and Mommy keeps reminding him he's old. :) Since you only turn 30 once, Mommy went all out with a surprise, friends party for Daddy. Now I really shouldn't say friends party because there was some family there but I know Daddy wanted to do something with all of his friends there. Mommy organized all of the guys to go to SB Raceway and race. Genius i guess because they all LOVED it. After racing, they all came to a pizza place we love for, what else but pizza and beer. Um because pizza, beer and racing = a pretty damn good birthday. Mommy also ordered a pretty rad cake too. On Daddy's actual birthday, we took the girls to Sea World for a day in the sun. Next time, someone needs to remind him to put on sunscreen. I was waiting for this post because I only have very few pictures from the party but, I will put up those I have and wait on the others. ( hint hint Granny :) )

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