1. Not so much is going on here. Just getting ready for a hot summer. It got up into the 80's today and its been getting warmer each day.....
2. I have to have a small surgery on July 8th. I have an IUD that is stuck.... fun stuff.
3. Still waiting for CT scan results on my ear...I did call today, but they have not received them yet.
4. I cannot wait for vacation at the end of July. We are going to camp at the Kern River with the girls. Kevin is going with our friends for 9 days.... we will probably just meet him up there for 4 or 5 days. We will see when the time is closer. I also want to go to the beach the first day or so of my vacation.
5. NKOTB and BSB...... here come Shannon, Breanne and I, July 6th. Like Shannon says "It's my second grade dream!" Note: the BSB was the first concert Shannon and I went to. We saw them from a luxury box at the Pond in Anaheim.
6. I just got the girls thank you notes mailed out. It took forever but I am thankful its done.
7. I love Etsy. I just like to go on and look.... some things you can tell are complete crap but others... people have some crazy crafting talent.
8. In a little over a week, we will have been married 5 years. 5 years! I cannot believe how fast time has flown! I feel so lucky to have such a great husband.
9. I really need a vacation. and no, going to Vegas in October is not vacation. I want to go some where tropical and pretty. Where I can lay in the sun.....not Hawaii though... some where else... I don't know where though....
10. My only day off is Thursday. I am going to hang out at home and really... stay home. I am only leaving when the bug guy comes to spray and then I am coming back. Hopefully its hot so the girls and I can play in the water outside and enjoy the day together.....