2. We spent a little bit of tonight over at my sister in laws house. Our nieces Christmas present came (it was on backorder) and we delivered it. I love to hold that little one and every time I do, it definitely satisfies any baby need in me.
3. Reece has been in her big girl bed since shortly after Christmas and she is doing AMAZING! She goes down easy and stays all night, calling for me or Kevin when she wakes up. Perfection.
4. I just started doing Project 365. It's a photography project, one frame a day, for a year. Wish me luck. I really hope I can stick with it this year.
5. I am so addicted to Words with Friends right now. I am not very good but I love playing it.
6. Next week is vacation!!! Yay, a week with no work. After the holiday season, I cannot wait to relax.
7. One thing we are doing, is taking an adult trip to Big Bear to snowboard and spend some quality Mommy/Daddy time together in the snow. I am so excited because I haven't used my snowboard since before I got married.
8. We are also going to visit Kevin's grandparents. We want the kids to be able to see them and spend time with them as much as possible. We can't wait to go up there.
9. Planning has started for the girls joint birthday party. I still don't know when it will take place but a theme has been chosen and some searching has begun. So many ideas, I cannot wait to really start buying things and nailing down important details. Definitely more to come...!
10. I don't know why this is a face she pulls out more and more lately. I was looking at pictures, preparing to order some new prints and there are a lot of her like this. Silly girl.

Grandma- I look forward to the Ten on Tuesdays!! What's with the Patriot in the background??!! :-)