Today we had the privilege of watching our niece. My sister in law had to attend a conference so we took care of Cheyenne until her Daddy got off work and picked her up. It was fun to have a baby in the house (I still don't want one, unless you can guarantee a boy!) and the girls loved her. Here are a few pics from today....Instead of looking at Auntie... I will just suck on my arm...
The girls had a blast playing outside while my car was washed. The wind was horrendous and everyone was sitting inside so they had free run of the outside patio. They didn't even mind blowing all over the place. See..... the wind was crazy! After the car wash, we hit the grocery store and because the girls were so good, they got to ride the electronic jet ski outside. Fun times.....
Because Mommy was off today, we tried to take a walk with Shannon and Brooklyn but it was so windy we went back and played instead. Brooklyn thought it was funny to give her dog some lovin'. Scout was ok with it too. The girls played hide and seek and with anything they could push around the house. They had a good time and wore themselves out.
While up in Ventura county, the girls and I met up with Kevin's cousin Katrina. The girls are going to be the flower girls in her wedding in May and we went to look at dresses for them. The Winner! After trying on dresses, we went over to Kevin's Aunt Terry and Uncle Will's house to have dinner and see family. Kevin's cousin Chris, his wife Lauren and his sister Jenn all came over to see Cheyenne and eat dinner with us. The girls wanted to ride the horse as soon as we got there so Katrina said she would take them out. The last time we were there, Cailey wanted nothing to do with it. She won't even go on the ponies at the pumpkin patch. I was shocked that she actually got on the horse and rode it around the arena a few times with Katrina, then by herself (with Katrina and Jake holding onto her). Reece loved riding the horse but when she decided she was done, she tried to get off where ever they were.
Kevin is an auto mechanic who works for the second largest employer in Southern California. He can fix anything, from cars to bikes to dolls. Brittany is an Assistant Manager working for the largest employer in Southern California. In her spare time she chases the girls around and tries to do as much with them as possible... and the cleaning too. Cailey is a bright little girl that will talk your ear off. She is our little princess and loves to read, dress up, play teacher, dance and watch movies. Reece is a wild little girl. We often refer to her as our little boy because she will try anything, but she is also a big cuddle bug too who loves to dance and ride her bike. Thats us, living life.
This blog is set up, purely to let family and friends know what we have been up to. It will also be made into a book yearly for our kids to enjoy and keep.