2 of us, 2 girls, 2 dogs and a birds

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. The weather outside is to die for. I love the fall and am so excited about everything it brings: halloween, the pumpkin patch, Oak Glen, nice cool days and cold nights.

2. Today was the first day of ballet. Mommy was so so so excited to see the girls and wanted them to have fun. They looked so cute in their little outfits. Unfortunately, neither of them wanted to participate in class. Reece told the teacher no everytime she asked her to do something and ended up on the floor with her back to a chair, watching. Cailey stated she wasn't going to dance, right before her class started. Once it started, she was mesmerized watching the other girls and almost almost almost went out and tried it, twice. I think she will come around in a class or two and will be an old pro. Reece.... I' m not sure about. We will just have to wait and see. I hope so because they are so cute and Cailey's age group puts on a recital. Mommy is really excited.

3. The Believe Walk was a huge hit. With thousands of people and bunches of free goodies, it was a nice way to spend a humid morning. Mommy's coworker Jamie was interviewed by the local newspaper and what she said was the headline for the article. So cool.

4. Friday, Mommy and Jamie are going to CPR class. Offered free to employees by Mommy's work and since we are both mom's, we figured it was a good thing to be certified in.

5. The girls took to Uncle Brandon amazingly while he was here. Good for everyone all around.

6. I love how everytime we drive by the pumpkin patch, Cailey and Reece get all excited and look for the pumpkins. You can now see them growing on the hill side and Cailey talks non stop about going there. Soon, Soon, Soon.

7. Today on the way to ballet class, Reece had her finger in her nose (she does this and thinks its hilarious when you tell her to stop or take it out). Cailey told her," Reece, you can't pick your nose in ballet class, ok?!" She looked at me and said "Mommy, ballet girls don't pick their noses!" So cute.

8. The girls have started to argue about everything and over everything. Sharing has been an issue we are working on lately. I hate to think what the teenage years are going to be like : /

9. Tomorrow is Mommy's day off. We are going to go on a long walk and to the park amongst our cleaning and laundry. We are not driving anywhere and have no solid plans, which is good because we need a relax at home break. Maybe we will even watch a couple of movies back to back if the weather keeps being overcast and cold and threatening rain.

10. The T.V. has been off here all day. In part because I think they need to learn to play by themselves or together and in part because the dish is not working right and cuts out. Its easier to leave it off then to have to continuously fix it. Days like this are nice, proving we don't need T.V. everyday.

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