If Reece is acting like this at 15 months, I hate to see the terrible twos. She is getting better with the crying over her teeth now that the two top have broken through and the bottoms can be seen, just under her gums. BUT, now she cries when... she doesn't get the cup she wants, the one she is eyeing but couldn't tell you she wanted. She throws fits over sharing with her sister and will fight her for what she wants. This often ends in tugging matches, screaming fits for both girls at the top of their lungs, and sometimes crying. She is definatly asserting her spot in this household. Just yesterday, while at lunch with Granny and Cailey, she was sharing a drink with Cailey and was giving her such a nasty look before each drink that clearly said, back off... this is MY drink. Oh my... I hope it gets better.
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