“Today you are you, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is youer than you”
Dr. Seuss
2 of us, 2 girls, 2 dogs and a birds
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Live Oak Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Farm
Once we moved to Beaumont, we started going to this place in October for pumpkins (you pick your own or choose from already picked) and in December for Christmas trees. The first year, we were able to cut down our own tree. We were looking forward to being able to do that but the property this farm sits on is a prime piece of real estate and we had heard that it was going to be shut down to be developed on. Well the following year, we took Cailey to pick a pumpkins and a tree because it was still there. They had very few cut your own. This year we took both girls, and no cut your own trees, just some brought in from farms in other states. It has become a family tradition as well as just a nice evening to go here during the holidays. They have hay rides, atv rides, a petting zoo, and a cute craft shop. While picking out a tree, they gave the girls candy canes and Reece just wanted one so bad she was sucking on it though the plastic covering. Yuck. We just hope it is there to take our girls to for many holidays to come.
Kevin is an auto mechanic who works for the second largest employer in Southern California. He can fix anything, from cars to bikes to dolls. Brittany is an Assistant Manager working for the largest employer in Southern California. In her spare time she chases the girls around and tries to do as much with them as possible... and the cleaning too. Cailey is a bright little girl that will talk your ear off. She is our little princess and loves to read, dress up, play teacher, dance and watch movies. Reece is a wild little girl. We often refer to her as our little boy because she will try anything, but she is also a big cuddle bug too who loves to dance and ride her bike. Thats us, living life.
This blog is set up, purely to let family and friends know what we have been up to. It will also be made into a book yearly for our kids to enjoy and keep.
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