Mommy was so lucky to get all of Halloween day off of work. After a nice family breakfast, we wanted to carve pumpkins. The girls, in their much loved skeleton jammies, waited patiently for Daddy to cut open their pumpkins,

Smiling with her pumpkin..... once it was opened, she took one look inside and there was NO way she was going to stick her hand in there and clean it out. She said, I will just draw on it.

Reece watched Daddy draw his face on his......

She stuck her finger in the pumpkin... then in her mouth..just once. I guess it was gross. After that she wanted to draw on it like her sister.

All the seeds out of all of our pumpkins. We clean them up, soak them, mix them with olive oil and seasonings and then roast them.

Daddy helped draw a face.

I think she got bored with it.....

Reece's pumpkins face.

In the end, we ended up painting the faces on the girls pumpkins. Cailey wanted hers to look like a witch. She put glitter hair on it.

Reece was very scared of Daddy's pumpkin and wouldn't go near it in the house at all. Later that night, when it was lit up outside, she loved it.