The girls loved the bounce place. Reece would even climb up and slide down by herself. Such a big girl! Cailey even made some friends and they were going down in trains.
On my Dad's first day off, we took the girls to the Forth Worth Zoo. They day was beautiful and we saw a lot of beautiful animals. It was a good way for the girls to bond with their grandparents. An overall good day....
Our first night in Texas, we had dinner with DJ, Kinsey, and their 3 kids. Mommy was busy talking and keeping track of kids and never took her camera out of the bag. The next night, we had dinner with DJ's parents and sister. They are old friends from when Kevin was little and it was nice to catch up with them. Its funny that they live in such close proximity to my dad.
Safari Park turned out to be a toy store/play area for kids. They had a train, robotic animals (a little weird), a ball pit, trampoline, many train and play tables and art centers. The girls loved the train, Cailey wasn't to sure about the animals but Reece wanted to get on one so bad, she was just too little. Reece started saying jump, jump because she loved the trampoline. It was fun for the girls to run around.
Our first day in Texas we didn't do a darn thing. Well ok, we planned to do nothing. Aunt Pam came over and we played WII fit for awhile. Then I got dressed. Now I said I wasn't going to get out of my pjs for no good reason. Well Target was a good enough reason for me. I wanted to dye my hair before we went over to a friends house for dinner that night so... it propelled my butt off the couch. We don't really get much time to relax and took full advantage in Texas.
She has been part of the family since they lived in California. She took the trip with them to Texas and comes inside when its raining or cold. Since it was raining and then cold our first 24 hours in Texas, she was inside 24/7. She loved to sit right with the girls when they ate. She must have known who she was dealing with.
Our very first night in Texas, after showering off a very long car ride, we went to dinner at Red Robin. Aunt Pam, Uncle Darrin and Madison joined us, along with our family. We chose Red Robin because Darrin was leaving on business and still wanted to go to dinner with us and it was close to the airport.
After Reece's birthday party, we left for our long drive to Texas. I know, we are crazy. We figured with the kids tired out from the party, we could get a good chunk of the driving while they were sleeping. They did amazingly well and we got to Keller, TX just before 6pm Sunday. We only stopped for breakfast, lunch and then we were there.
Kevin is an auto mechanic who works for the second largest employer in Southern California. He can fix anything, from cars to bikes to dolls. Brittany is an Assistant Manager working for the largest employer in Southern California. In her spare time she chases the girls around and tries to do as much with them as possible... and the cleaning too. Cailey is a bright little girl that will talk your ear off. She is our little princess and loves to read, dress up, play teacher, dance and watch movies. Reece is a wild little girl. We often refer to her as our little boy because she will try anything, but she is also a big cuddle bug too who loves to dance and ride her bike. Thats us, living life.
This blog is set up, purely to let family and friends know what we have been up to. It will also be made into a book yearly for our kids to enjoy and keep.