This flashback is from this week, two years ago. Mommy and Cailey went to lunch with Michelle and Jay. We met at P.F. Changs, mommy's first time, and Cailey ate rice for the first time. Look at how little they were!
Mommy got new rubbermaid reusable containers for Christmas and Reece thought the box was the best thing. She was trying to walk and being able to push the wide large box gave her the stability to move fast all over the place. She was a crack up and even put up a cheeseball smile when we tried to take her picture.
Christmas morning, Grandma, Papa, Granny, Papa, and Aunt Stacy came over for breakfast and gifts. It was nice to be able to stay home with the girls and enjoy the morning. That night, we went to Kevin's aunts house in Alta Loma for dinner with his side of the family.
Leila is a puppy that Granny got as a gift for Christmas. Cailey absolutely loves her. To clarify, she is Grannys puppy and was just visiting us. Miss- she is a yorkie/poodle mix
Last year we went to a neighborhood in Alta Loma that decorates the entire block in lights. I remember we waiting in a 2 hour line, in the car to drive slowly through, but once we got into the neighborhood it was amazing. Every house is decorated to the max and some are themed (hawaiian christmas). We thought we would take the girls back this year. Once we got there, it was only about 1/3 of the houses were lit, with no wait, and a quick drive through. Nothing like the year before, but the weather was rainy and most keep all their decorations inside to prevent them from getting destroyed by bad weather. This year we just drove through and didn't get out to get a closer look, like the previous year.
Every year we try to get together with Kevin's dad's side of the family, one weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas, hence Thanksmas. We all gathered at his Aunt Karen's this time for crafts, dinner, and gifts.
Kevin is an auto mechanic who works for the second largest employer in Southern California. He can fix anything, from cars to bikes to dolls. Brittany is an Assistant Manager working for the largest employer in Southern California. In her spare time she chases the girls around and tries to do as much with them as possible... and the cleaning too. Cailey is a bright little girl that will talk your ear off. She is our little princess and loves to read, dress up, play teacher, dance and watch movies. Reece is a wild little girl. We often refer to her as our little boy because she will try anything, but she is also a big cuddle bug too who loves to dance and ride her bike. Thats us, living life.
This blog is set up, purely to let family and friends know what we have been up to. It will also be made into a book yearly for our kids to enjoy and keep.