On a day off, we took the girls to Pretend City in Irvine. We thought it would be neat to see, since we had never been there. It ended up being similar to a museum we took them to a few years earlier, just on a larger scale. At the entrance to pretend city, you got your time card to punch once you completed all your jobs. We invited Aunt Stacy, Granny, Cheyenne and Kristen to join us.
The first stop was the post office to write a letter.
Next they were police girls patrolling the city.
After that, we all hit the grocery store.
Even Kristen got play time in.
Next up, fire girls!
Then it was time for water play.
After that, the dentist!
After the dentist, the girls pretended to run their own restaurant.
We made some music.
The boss told us how to ride.
All in all it was a good start to the day. Uncle Gordon met us for lunch since he was working in the nearby area after.